Originally from Venezuela, a Nomad at heart. I am a Graphic Designer making this blog just for me...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My new Obsession: My NEW iPhone

How could I have gone so long without one? It's the only question that I have asked myself for the past week.

I have always been faithful to Apple Products. NEVER owned a PC but I have waited until now to really experience the whole iPhone integration with my several iPods and my always reliable MacBook Pro.

I got my unblocked Black iPhone 4S in my trip to NYC since in France it was basically the same price if I got it blocked with my carrier. With it I got the Mophie Battery Case and it has been helpful since the only thing people complain about is battery life.

Now allow me to venture into the magical world of Apps.

I'm completely smitten with Instagram, Viber, Whatsapp, iMessages, iTunes U and WeightTrack (to track my Wedding Weight Loss)

I was a faithful Blackberry user for one thing only. Since I live far away from home, the BB Groups with my friends was an obsession. A funny story was always trending and I wouldn't make the jump until half of us realize that we really wanted an iPhone and it was just when Whatsapp introduced the Group feature that we actually made the switch. So thanks Whatsapp for understanding the gossip based Friend groups.