Originally from Venezuela, a Nomad at heart. I am a Graphic Designer making this blog just for me...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Patagonian Adventure

I know that I am back in my old routine once my Insomniatic life begins.

While I was rolling in bed dreaming of a long undisturbed night sleep, I decided to browse through my holiday pictures and decided to post some of them here. 

I spent the best time with my family on a cruise from Buenos Aires to Santiago de Chile. These pictures are borrowed from friends and family. Here is a brief summary of my Patagonian Adventure.

Baires Re-Lindo

San Telmo: Coca-Cola a History...

San Telmo Vintage Phones

75 year-old Pizza Joint

Best Pizza EVER

A Classic

Baires Sunset - First Night Onboard

The Silversea Whisper

Working the tan

Breakfast of Champions

Nice Graffiti

White Belted Cows, very minimalistic

Boot Graveyard

Score for the girls

The Penguin Boy photo

The Penguin Boy photo

Mom wanted a picture with the Penguin Boy

She scared him off...

Me and the King


Gotta get some lunch

Global Warming 1

Global Warming 2 
Global Warming 3

Love this picture of Granma

The Dinasty

Glacial Waterfall

The Kayak Transport

Kayaking in The Estrecho de Magallanes

Future CD Album Cover

The water is soo blue!!!

Love this guy

This one looks like me when I wake up with a bad mood

Chilling 1

Chilling 2

Touch the Patagon's foot and you'll come back... It's real. Mom and I took the same picture 3 years earlier...

The Dinasty with some amazing flowers growing on the side of the road.

A por ellos!!!

Spicky Tree

What the ... ???

At least we all agree on one thing...

Love this rustic chair with the Graffiti background

Translation: The ass of the World. Meaning in Spanish that is the end of the world and it is really really far away


Somebody had an emergency but we got to see the best flying skills ever. The cruise was still navigating.

Sunset 1

Sunset 2


The Moon the brightest night ever

This is what sometimes happens when family works together on a project

The Silver Hangover: We broke the record for carrying 60 cans. The previous record was 48. Plus it's freaking cool. 

Off course we won!!!

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